Christine Hansen & Wayne Mullins , Christine Means Business

Scaling versus Growing with Wayne Mulling from Ugly Mug Marketing

02 Jun 2022 • 35 min • EN
35 min
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Let's talk about something that might seem scary, especially for solopreneurs, because it's something that we don't really know a lot about, and that is scaling. Wayne Mullins, the Founder and CEO of Ugly Mug Marketing joins me for this episode of the Christine Means Business podcast to discuss this "scary" topic of scaling. When it comes to scaling your business, Wayne explains that there is a difference between scaling and growth. When growth is occurring, it requires constant effort to get the growth you want; scaling, on the other hand, happens on the downhill, meaning it happens as a consequence of the systems, the processes, the procedures, the people that you have in place. So, the difference is - will the business continue thriving and growing when you are removed from that piece? When you have your business organized in such a way that growth continues, because of all those other elements, besides your constant effort and push, that's scaling. In this episode you will hear: - What taking a risk means and no it doesn't mean being reckless - The difference between scaling and growth - What the artisan trap is - How to chose what comes naturally to you To learn more about Wayne and his business, you can visit his website and check out his Instagram For more resources visit

From "Christine Means Business"

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