Co-Authors David and Lori Hatcher: MOMENTS with GOD for COUPLES
David Hatcher serves as the unofficial armchair quarterback from South Carolina for the Dallas Cowboys.He’s been married to Lori, since 1984. Together they have two married adult daughters, two terrific sons-in-law, four amazing grandchildren, and Halsey, a Frenchie granddog. Since David surrendered his life to Christ at 17, he’s served the church in almost every role from janitor to youth director, to senior pastor, with the exception of the nursery—he doesn’t do diapers. Today he works as the bi-vocational minister of a small church in Columbia, South Carolina. A graduate of Liberty University, David adds his life verse, Philippians 1:6 to every signature: “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” A great day for David includes hitting the chains on a disc golf course, hiking in the mountains, and hanging out with his grandkids. Contact:4xHatchers@gmail.com Lori Hatcher is an author, women’s ministry speaker, and career dental hygienist. At 18, she hoped to change the world by becoming the first woman president. Now she points people to Christ, the One who has changed the world forever. Married to David for almost 40 years, she works alongside him to encourage and equip believers. Lori earned a degree in Science in Dental Hygiene, but she received her greatest education while homeschooling their two daughters from birth to college. She believes in the power of story to connect real life to spiritual truth. This shows in her story-driven devotionals. Her first book with Our Daily Bread, Refresh Your Faith, Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible, has resonated with believers of all ages. Several more have followed. A great day for Lori includes a prayer walk with David, a meal she doesn’t have to cook, and one-on-one time with family members or friends http://LoriHatcher.com COFRP listed (2021-23) as one of the Top 100 Christian Podcast http://blog.feedspot.com/christian_podcasts/ COFRP:http://podsearch.com/listing/challenges-of-faith-radio-program.html
From "Challenges of Faith Radio Program"
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