Kevin Wayne Johnson:Leadership with a Servant's Heart- Leading in Your Workplace
About Kevin Wayne Johnson: With the fundamental belief that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things, Kevin Wayne Johnson lives to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is reflected through his national best-selling book series (Give God the Glory!) that have earned 19 literary awards since 2001, all published through his Christian-based publishing company - Writing for the Lord Ministries. Kevin is a former radio and television co-host, has held several leadership positions within the local church, the Christian publishing industry, and the National Association of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana), and is a John Maxwell Team internationally certified mentor, speaker, coach and trainer. Kevin's three primary leadership focuses/curriculum are: LEADERSHIP GOLD; Everyone Communicates, Few Connect; and Put Your DREAM to the Test.In 2019, Kevin released his latest book - Leadership With A Servant's Heart - and it earned 7 literary awards in 2020. His national book tour in 2020 featured him leading discussions on the topic of leadership with multiple venues including bookstores, summits, conferences, podcasts, TV and radio. in 2018, Kevin founded The Johnson Leadership Group LLC with the purpose of creating leaders of excellence at all levels. You can e-mail Kevin at: Kevin@kevinwaynejohnson.com or the johnsonleadershipgroup@gmail.com and visit his website at http://:kevinwaynejohnson.com or http://thejohnsonleadershipgroup.com COFRP Interviews https://en.padverb.com/COFRP and airs: http://podsearch.com/listing/challenges-of-faith-radio-program.html
From "Challenges of Faith Radio Program"
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