Cecilia Åkerlund and David Nelson on prognosis of traumatic brain injury

13 Dec 2023 • 18 min • EN
18 min
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Cecilia Åkerlund and David Nelson join The Lancet Neurology to discuss their research on clinical variables that might distinguish how the disease process progresses in people with traumatic brain injury. The Article is published in the January issue of The Lancet Neurology. Read the full article: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422(23)00358-7/fulltext?dgcid=buzzsprout_icw_podcast_generic_laneur Continue this conversation on social! Follow us today at... https://twitter.com/thelancet https://instagram.com/thelancetgroup https://facebook.com/thelancetmedicaljournal https://linkedIn.com/company/the-lancet https://youtube.com/thelancettv

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