Can Catherine Llewellyn Help You Achieve Spiritual Freedom?
Catherine Llewellyn is the Founder & Facilitator at Being Space | Humanistic Psychologist | Writer | Podcaster | Conscious Dance Facilitator | Pellowah Teacher | Transformational Coach | Cat Person #pellowah #freedom #freedomofspirit What we Discussed: 0:01:20 Has she always been a Cat person 0:04:30 Her Journey to what she is doing now 0:11:20 How they made a Call Centre work 0:12:45 How it felt doing solo Episodes on her Podcast 0:16:00 What is Fear 0:18:00 What is Pellowah and how she started 0:23:30 Can we make a Positive Shift in Corporations 0:27:45 I Can't Dance 0:32:45 Her 6 Free e-books 0:35:00 Freedom of Spirit 0:41:00 Could she Teach others to do Freedom of Spirit 0:45:10 12 Components of Self Care 0:50 00 The Advantages of Group Support 0:52:25 How to get to her Weekend Workshop How to Contact Catherine Llewellyn : https://beingspace.worldhttps://www.facebook.com/BeingSpaceWorld https://www.youtube.com/@BEINGSPACEcatherinellewellyn https://www.instagram.com/beingspace.world/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-llewellyn-1695962/ Podcast https://www.truthandtranscendence.com/ --- ------------------ All about Roy / Brain Gym & Virtual Assistants at https://roycoughlan.com/ ___________________ 🤝 JOIN OUR SPEAKING PODCAST COMMUNITY ✦ Website: http://meditationpodcast.org/✦ YouTube: / https://www.youtube.com/@roycoughlan ✦Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/meditationpodcast ✦Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/meditationpodcast.org ✦ TikTok: / https://www.tiktok.com/@roycoughlanpodcaster ___________________ #Spiritual #meditationpodcast #mindfulness #beingspace
From "Meditation Podcast"
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