Share-ability & The Five Themes of Content That Go Viral, with Jay Shetty
In today’s episode, we benefit from backstage access at Traffic & Conversion Summit 2019. Influencer Jay Shetty talks with Brendon Burchard about the video that has THE most views of any video across the whole of Facebook, his “Changing the world begins with us” video. Jay shares with us the things he intentionally does to make a piece of content more shareable. Listen today for: The five themes of content that go viral: Adventure, Comedy, Emotion, Inspiration, and Surprise. Why educational and informational content is valuable - but won’t go viral. How views are directly linked to ‘share-ability’. People want to share things when they FEEL something, not when they THINK something. The three key areas that Jay attempts to align in every video. Why he always tries to include something verifiable in his videos. How speaking poetically, simplistically and with a cadence, makes a video more captivating and shareable. What drives Jay Shetty, and gets him up in the morning. Visit JayShetty.Me Thanks so much for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Business Lunch with Roland Frasier? Have some feedback you’d like to share? Connect with us on ApplePodcasts and leave us a review! Visit RolandFrasier.com, Follow @BizLunchPodcast on Twitter & Instagram. iTunes Not your Thing? Find us on Spotify or Stitcher or at BusinessLunchPodcast.com
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