Lance Peppler & Jon Levy , Business Bookshelf

"You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence" by Jon Levy

06 Jun 2021 • 44 min • EN
44 min
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Episode 147 of the Business Bookshelf podcast - Jon Levy - Author of "You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence".   Jon Levy is a behavioral scientist best known for his work in influence, networking, and adventure. He does research in collaboration with C-Lab, affiliated with Kellogg School of Management. Levy specializes in applying the latest scientific research on human behavior, ranging from neuroscience and psychology to economics and biology, to transform the ways companies approach marketing, sales, consumer engagement, product design, and influencer program development. Jon is the author of the book “You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence”. Regardless of what you want to accomplish, from growing your business, creating a great company culture, championing a social cause, or affecting your habits, you can’t do it alone. The people around you define your success (whatever that means for you) and they have the potential to change the course of your life. That’s what You’re Invited is about: The most universal strategy for success is creating meaningful connections with those who can impact you, your life, and the things you care about. But how do you make those connections and build trust quickly? What do you do if you’re introverted or hate networking? In You’re Invited, Jon guides readers through the art and science of creating deep and meaningful connections with anyone, regardless of their stature or celebrity, and demonstrates how we develop influence, gain trust, and build community so that we can impact our communities and achieve what’s important to us.   The book can be purchased here - You can find Jon's website here -  An excellent article to read that Jon wrote titled "The hybrid workplace probably won’t last" can be found here - The email address of Lance Peppler, the host, is and the website is

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