Bulimia Sucks! | Episode 158 | Setback and Successes | Katie Dalebout
Do you have anxiety? If you do then check out Kate"s podcast called "Anxiety Hacks" https://www.buzzsprout.com/2026782/share In this toasty fireside chat, Kate is joined by Katie Dalebout and who is the founder of Let It Out, a website, podcast, with over 3 million downloads and community. Katie helps people develop a positive image of their bodies by embracing their creativity and personality outside of their physicality, and she"s on a mission to share journaling tools that invoke deeper authenticity and true self-acceptance. She is also the author of the book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling. Packed with journaling exercises, prompts, and techniques that can be done anywhere and in any order, this guidebook offers you a new way to navigate your daily life, cope with stress, and anxiety and also create exciting permanent change. Kate is the author of Bulimia Sucks! It is an inspiring, practical book written to empower people to break through the barriers stopping them from taking that first step to freedom from bulimia. With astounding new approaches and techniques, to learn how to reprogram their mind to freedom. ********************* ANNOUNCEMENTS ******************** Kates"s new book “Anxiety Hacks” Proven Techniques, Tools and Tips to Calmness is out now as an audiobook and it"s on all the major platforms. BULIMIA SUCKS! AUDIOBOOK HAS ALSO LAUNCHED ON AMAZON, AUDIBLE, AND ITUNES. Kate felt very passionate about narrating the book herself. With her spiritedness for helping others and the subject of bulimia deeply cushioned within her heart. She felt incredibly enthusiastic about the importance of the delicate nurturing and guiding, no one could explain it like she felt it needed explaining. If you would like a free copy of this email Kate at: katehudsonhall@gmail.com and she will send you the free code. Connect with Katie: Book: Let it out Website: https://www.katiedalebout.com/in-process Support the show Reach out to Kate at: For all Kate"s links: https://linktr.ee/katehudsonhall Website: katehudson-hall.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BulimiaSuck IG: https://www.instagram.com/katehudsonhall/ Email: katehudsonhall@gmail.com
From "Bulimia Sucks | Kate Hudson Hall"
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