Building Efficiency through Workflows and Automation to Free Up Time and Capacity

20 Feb 2024 • 22 min • EN
22 min
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Let"s connect over something I"ve been hearing a lot lately. Picture this: small business owners like you and me, bustling through their days, juggling tasks, and feeling like they"re stuck in the trenches. Sound familiar? Trust me, you"re not alone. I"ve been chatting with owners of businesses bringing in over a million dollars annually, with teams of ten or more. Whether they"re in trades like contractors, HVAC, electricians, plumbers, service repair companies, or professional services like accountants, attorneys, and financial planners, their struggles are remarkably similar. From constant interruptions to the nagging feeling that their business relies too heavily on them, the frustrations are real. They also have the same challenges around managing employees, measuring work, their time, and how they allot their time. It"s all really similar frustrations around the fact that they are always in the trenches, doing work that they have paid someone else to do, frazzled by the constant interruptions from employees and clients. But here"s the good news: it doesn"t have to be this way. Last time, we talked about systems and processes. Today, it"s all about workflows and automation—the keys to unlocking your time and reclaiming your sanity. Get your Revenue Goal Calculator -

From "The Bold Money Revolution"

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