330: Jason Harris | How to be an Effective Persuader
Jason Harris is the CEO of the award-winning creative agency, "Mekanism" and the author of the new book "The Soulful Art of Persuasion." Jason has more than 20 years of expertise in creating provocative campaigns through a blend of Soul & Science. Jason shares with us how to be an effective persuader, if there is value in going to college, and how a connection with Tim Ferris helped Jason get his book out. Episode Highlights: Jason's background and journey into marketing. Jason's interest in art history and external pressure to go to college. Thoughts on attending college and the importance of social dynamics. Jason's first job out of college and how it started him on his journey. The key steps to advance your journey and career path. The top lessons Jason learned in process to starting his own company. The advantage of bringing partners in your venture. The importance of collaboration in business. How to understand and own your credibility. The top things to help advance your career. What are the "key aspects " of the "long-game" people need to be aware of? The importance of generosity. The ads that Mekanism created that "stick out." What Jason hopes people get out of his book, "The Soulful Art of Persuasion." The importance of empathy in relationships. How do we build true relationships? How a connection led to a moment of success of Jason. The 1 practical tip for building your network this next year. The Random Round: a quick series of random questions to get to know Jason. 3 Key Points: Collaboration is the key to success in business Genuine generosity is the key in all relationships and in business. It's incredibly beneficial to focus on soulful aspects of building relationships. Tweetable Quotes: “The Power of collaboration is critical for success.” - Jason Harris “The people that are living in the competitive mindset, may have a lot of short-term success, but not a lot of friends left in the end. - Jason Harris "Never let relationships drop to zero." - Jason Harris Resources Mentioned: https://www.amazon.com/Soulful-Art-Persuasion-Habits-Influencer/dp/198482256X (“The Soulful Art of Persuasion”) https://www.thesoulfulart.com/ (The Soulful Art of Persuasion Website) https://www.instagram.com/jason_harris/?hl=en (Jason Harris on Instagram) Visit Travis’ website at http://www.buildyournetwork.co/ (Buildyournetwork.co) Join the Build Your Network Facebook group http://www.buildyournetwork.co/fb/ (BYN.media/fb) Join the Build Your Network University Facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/bynuniversity (byn.university). If you want to amplify your network through podcasting apply at https://travischappell.typeform.com/to/Lm38Rt (travischappell.com/coaching) Download the Himalaya App in the https://apps.apple.com/us/app/podcast-audio-player-himalaya/id1275493456 (App Store) or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ximalaya.ting.himalaya&hl=en_US (Google Play) Leave a rating and review for the Build Your Network Podcast on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/build-your-network/id1268488944 (iTunes) Watch Travis’ free masterclass on how to build the network of your dreams at https://threenetworkingsecrets.com/squeeze-page (threenetworkingsecrets.com) Visit https://www.thesoulfulart.com to get a copy directly For information regarding your data privacy, visit https://www.acast.com/privacy (acast.com/privacy) Our Sponsors: * Check out Kinsta: https://kinsta.com * Check out Mint Mobile: https://mintmobile.com/tmf * Check out Moorings: https://moorings.com * Check out Trust & Will: https://trustandwill.com/TRAVIS * Check out Warby Parker: https://warbyparker.com/travis Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
From "Travis Makes Money"
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