Build a Thriving Business & Marriage, Robert & Kay Lee Fukui’s Strategies for Entrepreneurial Harmony
This week’s Misfit Entrepreneurs are Robert and Kay Lee Fukui. Robert and Kay are former fortune 500 standouts, who saw an opportunity to help married entrepreneurs and business owners create harmony between the rigorous demands of building a business and maintaining a healthy, happy thriving marriage. Their company, Couples by Design teaches entrepreneurs and business owners and their spouses how have it all – a thriving business and marriage by helping them better understand themselves, each other, and how to support each other in business and at home. We all know the challenges of being responsible for a business and working to maintain a good environment at home, but the stats don’t lie. Some estimates suggest that up to 48% entrepreneurs get divorced. That is way too high and a big problem, because speaking from experience, it is a lot easier to succeed as an entrepreneur, when you have good support at home from your spouse. So I had to have Robert and Kay on the show to share how you can thrive in this area of your life. marriedentrepreneur.co/misfit Show Sponsors: Entrepreneurs, what if there was a way to know you were hiring the best salespeople to drive your business? How much would that help your success? Well, with SalesDrive's DriveTest, you can! Drive is composed of three non-teachable traits shared by all top producers: Need for Achievement, Competitiveness, and Optimism. You can get a FREE DriveTest assessment to help you in your hiring efforts at www.MisfitEntrepreneur.com/SalesDrive 5 Minute Journal: www.MisfitEntrepreneur.com/Journal
From "Dave Lukas, The Misfit Entrepreneur_Breakthrough Entrepreneurship"
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