Elisa Martinig & Brenden Kumarasamy , The Career Changers

How To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking | Brenden Kumarasamy

26 Jan 2022 • 52 min • EN
52 min
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Our guest today is Brenden Kumarasamy, founder of MasterTalk, a YouTube channel he started to help the world master the art of public speaking. Today Brendan is running a very successful business and youtube channel teaching thousands of people the secrets of public speaking. He said “I believe the next Elon Musk is a 7-year-old girl in some part of the world. Thus, it is my responsibility to be successful so that everyone like her can grow up being exceptional communicators through my free content”.  One may assume that Brendan had an exclusive upbringing that brought him to master public speaking at a very early age. But he said: "When I was 5 years old, my parents looked at me and said “Brenden, you NEED to go to French school, you live in Montreal – end of the discussion!”…. except 1 problem. I did not know the language, not even a single word.  From the ages of 5 to 16, not only was I scared of communication, like most of us, but I had to give presentations in a language I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW” .  Today Brendan will explain: 1. How to find your public speaking why  and why this is so important 2. 3 practical tips: The random word (spoiler alert. we are talking about love!), silence drills and the endless gaze.  3. Much more!  Support the show Are you looking for more inspiration? Why not take our ten minutes career test? Just click here to start the test. If you want to receive your regular dose of inspiration follow us on Linkedin Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube The Career Changers is a fully self-funded project. There is so much more we would like to do, to make this community grow. You can support us with a donation via PayPal.

From "The Career Changers"

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