Dan Murray-Serter & James Temperton , Braincare

Medical Innovations of the Brain with James Temperton

23 May 2021 • 15 min • EN
15 min
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Disorders of the brain affect 1/5 of the population. Little to no research has been made to understand the molecular causes of psychiatric disorders within a decade, but James Temperton, author and Digital Editor for Wired Magazine, is optimistic. Today, Temperton shares the potential medical innovations of all things brain. We discuss why it's been so difficult to study the brain, ethical challenges, and developments that are leading us closer to understanding how it functions. We talk about: Why it's difficult to study the brain The potential of studying living brain or brain-like tissue Medial research helping with treating mental and neurological brain diseases Psychencode Ethical implications of studying the brain How Temperton takes care of his brain

From "Braincare"

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