Blueprinting Your Next Step

19 Dec 2023 • 24 min • EN
24 min
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Join Sean Zalmanoff and Kenneth Travis in this week"s episode as they dive into Goal Planning and Actions That Matter (ATMs). Carefully planning your actions for the short and long term has a huge impact on your success. It"s the deliberate actions and measured steps that pave the way to your success. 05:17 – Progress, Not Perfection 06:53 – Planning and Organizing  09:13 – Beat Distractions and Boost Productivity 13:29 – Being Proactive to Clients 18:17– Staying Focused  Takeaways: Small wins, like making your bed, planning the day ahead, and organizing your workspace, boost confidence and set the tone for a productive day. Turning off distractions and managing your time well is really important to avoid problems with getting things done and stay focused on important tasks. Proactive client outreach and coupled with strategic engagement, fosters mutual proactivity which can fuel business growth and positive branding. Quotes: “The people who are going to kill it in 2024 are not slowing down right now.”  “People in general, like, if you ask them what your yearlong goals are often greatly overestimate what they can get done in a year, but greatly underestimate what they can get done in five to 10 years.”  “You can"t change what you did yesterday. You can only change today.” “If you write two handwritten notes every single day, it will have an impact on your business.” “It"s nice to remove clutter from your life.” “Every single person has to have wins in their day and you"ve got to put yourself first.” “It"s not just the goal planning part, it"s not just the actions that matter, it"s discipline.” Show Links: Community Platform:  Podcast Partner:  Social Media: Facebook -  YouTube -  LinkedIn –

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