Miles finds out how important his BIL is while Bob catches his BIL in the act. Subscribe Random show from the last 25+ years Random Post https://youtube.com/live/QC8WIg6Sm6M Bad AI Transcript of the show this week I'm waiting for the live stream. That's what I was waiting for. Silly live streaming. Live stream this. Sometimes it's not on, you know. Sometimes it's just… Turn it on. Turn it on. Turn it on again. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Static Shows. This is Bob. Thank you, Lizzo. Hey, everyone. This is Miles. Welcome to Static Radio. Thank you, Lizzo. What the hell? What the hell was that? I just like to provoke you a little bit. Thank you, Liz. I was like, what? I like to throw you off a little bit. I do play a mean flute. Remember that time in band camp? Wow. Hey. It's a brand new year. It is 2025. Believe it or not. 2025. It's hard to realize that. Yeah. i've i've thought for sure after i met you and there's no way in hell he's making it 2025. i thought when i first met you there's no way he still has teeth like 2025. thanks i appreciate that because i was right about losing his hair though i was right yeah that's true it's unfortunate i still have most of my teethYeah. Yeah. Well, you know, 2025 has brought us some snow. Did you get any snow at all? Not a whole lot. Well, the other day, I guess. It was a Thursday, Friday or something. We got like almost probably 10 inches of snow. No. Nope. Yeah. The first snow was the best snow. It was everywhere. and then we've got another another dusting of snow that's pretty much gone i mean yeah it's all gone. In the driveway, but the other snow's still here yeah no considering we don't normally we get snow and then it goes away right right you know yeah yeah but the interesting thing to me that comes with the snow is we get to see all the little critters skittering about because they'reexposed. You can see their footprints. You can see them because there's no camouflage. I recently saw two foxes frolicking in the snow. That was nice. Two of them. Not just one fox. Two foxes chasing each other, having fun. I'm like… hey, I wonder what else… This was during the day. I was like, hey, I wonder what else has been around at night. So I got all these cameras set up, and so I proceeded one evening to kind of… Anytime there's movement near the camera, it records a little bit. And so I'm like, maybe I'll find some stuff. It'd be cool. So I'm going through the… The camera, the different cameras and looking at the, you know, it keeps, I have a big memory thing, so it keeps it for weeks. Yeah. It's not just like a day or something. It'll just keep it. And then when it gets full, then eventually it'll delete the old ones. And, but I mean, it's going to take like a month or something to fill up this, the, you know, memory. Yeah. So I'm buzzing through things real quick. Oh, there's a rabbit, right? Squirrels. There's the dog running in front of the camera.i think we're working up to a slender man story here. Really? You think that's where we're going with this? I'm sure of it so i'm i'm going back through, you know, going through time, backwards in time, looking at all these things and you know let me mute myself. I'm sorry. You don't need to hear this. I'm sorry. What are you doing? what's happening over there? I ran out of peanut butter and the dog's upset. I'm sorry. This dog is slender. I'm like, maybe you had a slender man thing going on there for some reason continue i'm gonna just mute this till this dog is done. Okay. Well, what is he doing? I don't know. The dog heard something and now the dog's upset. No, don't worry about it. It'll add some flavor to the story. Okay.my sister is taking care of it. Okay. Choosy mothers choose Jeff. The, um, so, you know, I'm, I'm kind of buzzing through sitting in my, in my usual spot, you know, I think we're kind of half-assed watching the show or something. And I get back to around christmas time and i'm clicki...
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