Awakening to All-That-Is with Psychic Medium & Akashic Reader, Aaron French
Episode #187 of World Awakenings engages in a refreshing conversation with psychic medium & Akashic Records reader, Aaron French. Aaron has been a spiritual practitioner for over 30 years and has a deep nondual foundation rooted in the Daoist teachings. He creates a grounded and heart centered container within which the Akashic Records and messages from our Guides and Angels are revealed. During a deep period of awakening in 2019, Aaron started receiving increasingly frequent messages from his own Ancestors, as well as a constellation of Spirit Guides and higher Angels - all of whom communicate through him with the sole purpose of encouraging our Collective Awakening. They have shared the deep truth of our Unity with the Universe, and that Right Now is a period of powerful transformation within the Earth’s energy field. Make sure to download your free copy of Karl Gruber's short ebook, "The 3 Pillars: A Simple 3 Step Process to Manifest Positive & Permanent Change in Your Life". Just click this link and get your free copy today! To find out more about Aaron French and to connect with him, just go to his website
From "World Awakenings: The Fast Track to Enlightenment"
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