A new take on a classic tale, with Michael Morpurgo
One of the nation’s best-loved storytellers, Michael Morpurgo, joins presenter Helen Mulley to discuss where his stories come from (hint: he doesn’t conjure them out of nowhere), and why it’s so important for him to write about what really matters, especially when the world is looking strange and uncomfortable. A free resources pack, including teaching notes, planning sheets, working wall elements and more is available to support this episode at bit.ly/AIYCMMresourcepack. This episode is divided into three sections, which can be listened to in one go, as a sequence spread over several days, or in isolation. If you only have time to listen to one, we recommend section 2, which includes the author reading from their own work. Section 1 starts at 00:00 Section 2 starts at 11:05 Section 3 starts at 25:40 Join the Plazoom community by signing up to our newsletter for free resources and special offers at plazoom.com!
From "Author In Your Classroom"
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