Author Interview with Chris Donaldson
Author Bio Chris now lives in Belfast with his family, after spending the 8 years in Dubai, where he ran a Mobile App development company. On his return from South America in 1981 he took over the family furniture shop in Belfast, which he transformed into a successful property business. During the financial crash in 2010, the Ulster Bank took over his property business; he self litigated and got his properties back. The journey still impacts on his life after 40 years. He now works with Jeff Arditti from North Carolina selling furniture around the world, and in Dubai Chris and his family lived on a 47ft sailing yacht, which they sailed regularly. His hobbies include sailing and flying, and he even built his own airplane. He still has his Moto Guzzi Le Mans, and some years ago he rode it to Moscow with his future wife, Julie,. He continues to go the wrong way, whenever he can, and he still wants to ride to Australia. Chris is married with two children. Connect with Chris Donaldson Website Timestamps 00:15 Introduction 00:35 What is your book about? 5:12 What inspired you to write your book? 6:16 Who is your book for? 6:43 How long have you been writing? 9:11 What is your schedule like when you are writing a book? 9:52 What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused? 10:39 What type of books do you personally enjoy reading? 11:20 Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become an author? 12:16 What books did you grow up reading? Did you have an all-time favorite? 13:04 Now as an adult are there any books or authors you enjoy? 14:28 Do you have any advice for someone starting to read again? 15:09 What advice would you offer to someone writing their own book? 19:11 Any additional comments? 20:11 Where is the best place for our listeners to connect with you? Links Support the Podcast https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ripollsworkshop Newsletter https://mailchi.mp/30a7be3e81ef/69wqrzezob Follow us Ripollsworkshop Reads Podcast Instagram https://instagram.com/ripollsworkshopreadspodcast?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Ripollsworkshop Reads Website https://www.ripollsworkshopreads.com/about-contact Ripollsworkshop Reads YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ripollsworkshopreads Ripollsworkshop Reads Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ripollsworkshopreads Our Host Courtney Ripoll-McBride https://www.instagram.com/theripollsworkshop/ Music Created/Episode Mastered By: Patrick McBride https://www.instagram.com/patmcbride_bass
From "Ripollsworkshop Reads"
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