ATLA's 20th Anniversary + "An Air of Certainty"

21 Feb 2025 • 35 min • EN
35 min
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Ali commemorates the 20th anniversary of Avatar: The Last Airbender by reflecting on what the show means to her, sharing a few silly memories based on what little she saw of it back when it was originally airing, as well as why she's always loved Kataang from the very beginning. Additionally, she expresses her infinite excitement for the new upcoming animated projects from Avatar Studios, including the limited series, Avatar: Seven Havens, and the first theatrical movie featuring the Gaang as young adults titled Aang: The Last Airbender. She also shares her love for the cast of the live-action Netflix adaptation of the series. To close out the episode, she shares a mushy Kataang story she wrote called "An Air of Certainty." "Will you go penguin sledding with me?"

From "Storytelling Saga"

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