Andrew Norris & Ally Grimm , Artsy AF

Episode 66- A.L. Grime and Artsy AF mint an NFT

22 Mar 2021 • 91 min • EN
91 min
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Welcome, my dear, creative friends: To the very first Artsy AF NFT episode and one of the first podcasts to be minted on the blockchain!  In this episode Ally Grimm and I talk about artistic styles; free will; the clubhouse app; and some of the broader social implications emergent in the NFT space. Ally also shares her process and remixes the Artsy AF logo on-screen during our conversation. To see or purchase the NFT click HERE! Unlockable content includes the full podcast Zoom video and the .mp4 animation of the Artsy AF logo, remixed by Ally. Very excited to have my first NFT be a collaboration via the podcast. This is the type of thing that I think is really cool about crypto art. Aside from the fact that artists are making some real money, there is less room for rent seeking middle-men, and the far out implications of things like DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) the meta narrative of minting our conversations about the time and space we live in is just super intriguing to me. Like a time capsule with actual human interaction contained within it!  Anyway, we've set the price very reasonably, so if you're in the mood to collect a novel piece of creation you can check it out. Otherwise, I think this episode stands on it's own regardless of whether it's an NFT or not. Big BIG shouts to Ally and to all of you for believing in this project. Much love and respect. Thanks for being here! If you value what you're hearing and want to support the podcast you can find out more about how to do that at

From "Artsy AF"

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