Bob responds to recent tweets that believe trade deficits are a sign of economic strength. He also includes an op-ed from Robert Barro and a clip from Milton Friedman, to show that even big gun economists can often speak in misleading ways when it comes to trade deficits.Bob's Article on Free Traders Defending Deficits: Mises.org/HAP492aThe FRED Chart Referenced in this Episode: Mises.org/HAP492bBob's 2007 Mises Daily article on Capital Surplus: Mises.org/HAP492cBob's 2007 Mises Daily article Predicting the Recession: Mises.org/HAP492dThe Human Action Podcast Episode on International Trade: Mises.org/HAP492e The Mises Institute is giving away 100,000 copies of Murray Rothbard’s, What Has Government Done to Our Money? Get your free copy at Mises.org/HAPodFree Join us May 15–17, 2025, at the Mises Institute for our Revisionist History of War Conference: Mises.org/RHW
From "The Human Action Podcast"
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