An Authentic Conversation with Podcast Host Laine Liaberti!

24 Nov 2023 • 30 min • EN
30 min
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Join Laine Liaberti, a best-selling author, international speaker, and leader in the worldschooling movement, for a captivating episode. In this authentic conversation, Laine shares her inspiring journey after closing her Los Angeles branding agency during the 2008 economic crash. Choosing adventure over victimhood, she and her son embarked on a one-year journey that extended to almost 50 countries. Now calling Guanajuato, Mexico home, Laine advocates for alternative education through worldschooling. Learn about her transformative experiences, cultural immersion, and the thriving community she has built. **Link**: [ilainie](ilainie - Listen on Spotify - Linktree

From "Get Authentic with Marques Ogden"

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