American Groove - #90 The Devil Wears Healthcare

07 Jan 2025 • 38 min • EN
38 min
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We're blasting, fucking headfirst into the frustrations of modern healthcare. Let me tell you, its legit a scam. From the absurd cost of dental care, which makes no sense anymore. To the corporate greed of Big Pharma. Asking the question when did dental work start costing more than a car payment? And, don’t even get us started on the CEOs, once got murdered. Who on earth would want to be a CEO of a health insurance company. It’s not all heavy, not going to lie it kind of is. We kinda sorta lighten the mood with a dive into the benefits of supplements. Our love-hate relationship with caffeine alternatives. Lets be hon est, coffee can be liquid "crack" in some cases. Why you need one of Karissa's candles at: candles are a must-have for the stoner lifestyle. Tune in, light up a candle (or a joint), and groove with us! We have a magical link below with all our socials and handle so you can find us on your favorite pod spot. Karissa's name for the week is "uptheass"

From "Lost in the Groove"

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