We're blasting, fucking headfirst into the frustrations of modern healthcare. Let me tell you, its legit a scam. From the absurd cost of dental care, which makes no sense anymore. To the corporate greed of Big Pharma. Asking the question when did dental work start costing more than a car payment? And, don’t even get us started on the CEOs, once got murdered. Who on earth would want to be a CEO of a health insurance company. It’s not all heavy, not going to lie it kind of is. We kinda sorta lighten the mood with a dive into the benefits of supplements. Our love-hate relationship with caffeine alternatives. Lets be hon est, coffee can be liquid "crack" in some cases. Why you need one of Karissa's candles at: https://www.velvetearthshop.com/ candles are a must-have for the stoner lifestyle. Tune in, light up a candle (or a joint), and groove with us! We have a magical link below with all our socials and handle so you can find us on your favorite pod spot. https://linktr.ee/lostinthegroove Karissa's name for the week is "uptheass"
From "Lost in the Groove"
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