Alison Stewart & Sascha Rothchild , All Of It

2022 Debut: Sascha Rothchild's 'Blood Sugar'

21 Apr 2022 • 15 min • EN
15 min
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In a thrilling new novel, a young woman named Ruby stands accused for the murder of her husband... and the deaths of three other people. Ruby maintains that she is innocent in her husband's death, but she has a secret: she is guilty of the other three murders. How can she prove she loved her husband and would never hurt him? And what drove her to kill three other people? All is revealed in the debut novel from Emmy-nominated screenwriter Sascha Rothchild, titled, Blood Sugar. She joins us to discuss as part of our series, "2022 Debuts."   2022 Debut: Sascha Rothchild's 'Blood Sugar'

From "All Of It"

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