AI's Influence on Financial Markets and Productivity - Max Osbon #6087
Kerry Lutz and Max Osbon discussed various topics related to investment opportunities and market trends. They emphasized the importance of understanding the individual behind the company and their background, as well as the significance of AI in evaluating market conditions and identifying healthy market conditions. They also discussed the challenges of interacting with government regulations and the impact of previous experiences on a founder's approach to business. The conversation also touched on the institutionalization of call selling and the potential risks it poses to the market, as well as the reliability of expert opinions and the need for trustworthy sources of information. They delved into the challenges and opportunities in the energy sector, with Lutz expressing skepticism about renewables and emphasizing the need for more energy, while Osbon explored the potential of natural gas as a cleaner and more efficient fossil fuel solution. Find Max here: osboncapital.com Find Kerry here: FSN and here: inflation.cafe
From "Financial Survival Network"
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