Angela Fowler is the forerunner to make change- helping businesses understand how to make everything accessible to this unique market. Angela is a successful business woman who is also totally blind. She has a unique insight into what it takes for regular every-day businesses to partake in this 2.1 trillion dollar market!!! Angela is so open and transparent about this passion; she speaks UP! She is the one breaking the blind paradigm. SOME PEOPLE may see her disability as a tragedy and she's turned it into awareness, compassion and bettering the world; much more than an asset in life. Listen in for more of life's lessons we need to learn. Angela runs her coaching and consulting business from her home in Northern California, which she shares with her son and a few pets. She has been amazing to have on our show Feng shui Your Day! Contact Angela Fowler through https://www.reallifeaccess.com Kathryn Wilking: Author, Decorator, Feng Shui Expert , Podcast Host Website : https://www.kathrynwilking.com Email: kathryn@kathrynwilking.com Linked In: Kathryn Wilking YOU TUBE: @KathrynWilking Podcast: Feng Shui Your Day BOOKS: https://practicalfengshuifortheoffice.com The Feng Shui Advantage by Kathryn Wilking Practical Feng Shui for the Office by Kathryn Wilking FREE GIFT : ’10 Ways to Raise Chi-Energy in any Space’ www.kathrynwilking.com/resources TAKE THE PEP QUIZ: (Personal Element Profile) https://www.kathrynwilking.com/resources/pepquiz/ Let’s Get Your Space Working for you!
From "Feng Shui Your Day"
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