361 - Get More Sales Using Video With Darin Dawson
When trying to improve a sales process, video often comes into the conversation because of the personal touch that adds to any interaction. So if you’re still relentless to use video in your communication, this episode might change your mind. Paul talks to Darin Dawson, President and Co-Founder of BombBomb.com, a platform that focuses on human-centred selling more than only creating video messages. He will explain how to increase sales conversions using video, add a personal touch in mass messages, and share the best components of a video sales message. Links 361 - Show Notes Take the Accelerated Pulse Check! Masterclass Accelerated Sales Program Connect With Paul On LinkedIn On Facebook On Twitter: @BuildLiveGive On Instagram: @paulhigginsmentoring Email: Paul@paulhigginsmentoring.com Thank You for Tuning In!
From "The Paul Higgins Show"
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