A very Sagittarian conversation with Wendy Stacey of the Mayo School of Astrology, about Pluto into Aquarius plus so much more.

12 Dec 2022 • 111 min • EN
111 min
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Principle of the Mayo School of Astrology, based in London, originally from New Zealand, WENDY STACEY brings her Sagittarius Moon/Neptune conjunction for a very Sagittarian conversation. Three decades of Astrology through modern, mundane, financial and more, teaching quite early on, a social sciences degree under her belt, financial and property background, PHD in the making and a couple of books to add to two already published.  Wendys knowledge is broad, and we talk about a LOT. With a special focus on Pluto moving into Aquarius and what to expect. There’s a multitude of ways this transit can express, so here’s a few that are positive if you’re willing to see the silver lining and roll with the punches. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, long form and focussed on the horizon so what better subject than prediction.  Between us we have 13 planets in fire, and a blazing grande fire trine which I could feel in the synastry, reminding me why it’s so essential to touch base with your element! Find WENDY STACEY   wendystacey.com to learn more and schedule a consultation  Mayo School of Astrology to learn more, sign up or join the monthly zoom discussion  Books: URANUS SQUARE PLUTO new perspectives on the current planetary lineup in mundane Astrology  CONSULTING WITH ASTROLOGY a quick guide to building your practice and profile  Join the Upcoming Workshop From Menarche to Menopause  Jan 28, 2023  Wendy Stacey, B.A, M.A, Dip LSA is the principal of the international Mayo School of Astrology and tutor for the London School of Astrology.  She is the Chairperson for the Astrological Association, has written over 50 articles for students in the ‘Astrological Journal’ and is the author of ‘Consulting with Astrology’ and ‘Uranus Square Pluto’. She has also contributed to ‘The New Generation’, and to OPA’s ‘The Professional Practice of Astrology’ and ‘Bitcoin’. In 2014 Wendy was the recipient of the UK’s Charles Harvey award for ‘Exceptional Service to Astrology’. Wendy lectures around the globe and has an international clientele. Find ME, VANESSA MONTGOMERY, resident astrologer @ Glamour Magazine U.S @  astroallstarz.com to schedule a reading/consultation, contact and learn more.  Learn astrology with my books; △ASTRO POWER a simple guide to prediction and destiny for the modern mystic △STAR POWER a simple guide to astrology for the modern mystic △COSMIC POWER ignite your light, a simple guide to sun signs for the modern mystic Come say hi on IG @astro_allstarz @astro_all_starz FaceBook

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