6 Essential Habits for Christian Writers [Part 1 of A Season for Holiness: A Renewal Plan for Writers]
Send me your feedback!Is your soul thirsting for more of Christ this Christmas season?Do you have a sense that you’re supposed to be doing something more for God with your writing, but you just don’t know what or how?Are you ready to jump off the holiday hamster wheel and into the arms of God? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I invite you to join me in this 3-part series of A Season for Holiness: An 18-Day Renewal Plan for Writers. I originally created the content two years ago as I felt the Lord compelling me to write it. I’m ashamed to admit that I fought against it. It was early November and my schedule was jam-packed. I also felt compelled to offer it as an email devotional to be sent out six days a week (Monday – Saturday) for three weeks, starting December 1st. “No one will sign up for it!” I whined to God. “Why put all this work into something no one will have time to read?” But I decided to step out in obedience and He proved me wrong in a big way. People did sign up. I offered it again last year as an email offer, but this year, I decided to bring it to the airwaves. Over the next three weeks, I’ll share one part of the plan here on Ink & Impact. Each part includes six points for consideration. Additional Ways I Can Help You When You"re Ready:1:1 Coaching Session - a single breakthrough session to gain strategy and clarity1:1 Coaching Bundle - Your choice of 1, 3, or 6 months of weekly coaching Thanks for listening! Join the FREE Ink and Impact Facebook group for Christian writers.
From "Ink and Impact - Self-Publish with Purpose | How to Write a Book, Book Coach, Christian writers"
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