Shoot Me A Message! On this episode I had the chance to sit down for a much needed and important discussion onshame and guilt with two amazing people: Author, astrologer and host of Grounded Spirits Podcast, Laura Alyn. &Shame-guilt educator, Counselor, Filmmaker, and Author, Lois Hollis Key Takeaways:● Shame and guilt negatively impact emotions and can lead to depression, anxiety,and hatred. - Lois Hollis● Saying no to shame and guilt helps to keep positive emotions like happiness, joy,and confidence. - Lois Hollis● Moving past shame and guilt is necessary to raise energy vibrations. - Laura Alyn● Shame and guilt come from various sources, including culture, religion, government,friends, and enemies.- Lois Hollis● Healing shame and guilt involves learning more about ourselves and settingboundaries.- Laura Alyn● We cannot talk to shame-guilt, we can only kick it out. - Lois Hollis● It"s crucial to face emotions and learn how to move through them. - Laura Alyn● Unlearning the mindset of shame and guilt is essential. - Lois Hollis● Astrology connects shame and guilt to the fourth house, representing family life anddeepest wounds. - Laura Alyn● Collective trauma work can raise the collective consciousness level of humanity. -Laura Alyn Learning to let go of shame and guilt can be a lifelong journey, but it"s a journey worth taking. Acknowledging and working through our trauma, can raise our collective consciousness and help us evolve as a society. Guest contact info:Laura Alynhttps://www.itslauraalyn.comhttps://www.instagram.com/itslauraalyn https://www.facebook.com/groundedspirits https://www.linkedin.com/lauralyndlt https://www.tiktok.com/itslauraalyn Lois Hollishttps://www.loishollis.com/ https://www.facebook.com/lois3hollis https://www.linkedin.com/in/loishollis/ https://twitter.com/loishollis3 About My GuestsLaura Alyn, a former academic, has transitioned into a fulfilling life focused on personal andsocietal growth through her company Bel-Esprit Productions. As the founder of thispublishing company, she aims to unlock the gates of knowledge through spiritual journeys.Laura is also the host of Grounded Spirits Podcast, which inspires future innovators toachieve & perfect self-expression by connecting with nature, creativity, and themselves.Laura"s writing delves into the shadows of society and the human psyche. She has authoredspiritual novels, guided journals, and planners. Additionally, she has introduced a seriescalled “All About” which seeks to remove the stigma surrounding dark and taboo subjectsthrough engaging questions, games, and activities.In recent years, Laura has been studying astrology and is now offering Birth Chart Readings.For those interested in learning more about her, her companies, or booking a Birth ChartReading, please visit her website. Lois HollisLois Hollis RN BSN REV, at 79 years old, is a highly skilled shame-guilt educator, counselor,filmmaker, and author. Lois began her journey to understa Support the show Intro Music by: Anthony Nelson aka BUSS https://music.apple.com/us/artist/buss/252316338 Keep it Safe, Keep it Healthy & Keep it Kandid! www.thekandidshop.com IG, FB & Tiktok: @thekandidshoppodcast
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