#807 - Dr. David Martin
He is an American inventor, entrepreneur, and public speaker with a diverse background in finance, technology, and intellectual property. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, where he also served as a Batten Fellow at the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. He founded M·CAM Inc. in 1998, a company focused on intangible asset finance, patent quality assessment, and innovation funding. His work has positioned him as a global advocate for intellectual property accountability, collaborating with entities like the U.S. Congress, the European Union, and various regulatory agencies across over 160 countries. Cornerstone Forum ‘25 https://www.showpass.com/cornerstone25/ Get your voice heard: Text Shaun 587-217-8500 Substack:https://open.substack.com/pub/shaunnewmanpodcast Silver Gold Bull Links: Website: https://silvergoldbull.ca/ Email: SNP@silvergoldbull.com Text Grahame: (587) 441-9100 Bow Valley Credit Union Website: www.BowValleycu.com Email: welcome@BowValleycu.com Use the code “SNP” on all orders Prophet River Links: Website: store.prophetriver.com/ Email: SNP@prophetriver.com
From "Shaun Newman Podcast"
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