#80 Healing my inner-waters and learning to trust men again (a powerful pilgrimage through sacred sites in Bali, Spain and Mexico)
"What I've noticed is my availability to receive men has expanded so deeply. And I was already a pretty orgasmic person.. and that just took it to a whole other level - the amount of pleasure that I feel my body is available for has expanded, the amount of ease that I experience, where I'm not rehearsing life, or fighting life, I can be here now and feel safe in the NOW moment a lot more." In this solo episode, I dive into:My lifelong connection to WATER (4:26)Following the call of the water Priestess to Bali (9:19)My Balinese temple pilgrimage (18:11)The profound realisation that this was a journey of healing my inner waters (24:04)The ancient wisdom of the waters (26:45)The whispers that lead me to Mexico (30:52)Trusting and Embracing the Masculine in a new way (37:27)Releasing the trauma stored deep in my waters (45:20)Expanding the Capacity for Pleasure and Trust (52:42)Clearing Trauma and Creating Space for Choice (54:14) Links mentioned in this episode: https://www.sigridtasies.com/innercircle/ Connect with Sigrid: https://www.instagram.com/sigridtasies/ https://www.sigridtasies.com/ https://www.sigridtasies.com/retreats/ To watch this episode on video, head to: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqNvmiHYFD6q5zqAO5DMbXQ
From "Let HER Lead Podcast with Sigrid Tasies®️ - Embodiment, Feminine Leadership, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Pleasure, Spirituality, Personal Freedom, Inspiration and Motivation to Live, Love and Lead Powerfully, with Purpose!"
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