#747 - Tom Luongo & Jim Kunstler
We discuss the recent news of Biden authorising missiles to strike inside Russian, 15 minute cities, suburban caves, and wrestling with building community. Jim is an American author, social critic, public speaker and blogger. He is best known for his books The Long Emergency and The Geography of Nowhere. Tom is an amateur dairy goat farmer, libertarian, former research chemist and publisher of the Gold, Goats n' Guns podcast and newsletter. Cornerstone Forum ‘25 https://www.showpass.com/cornerstone25/ Clothing Link: https://snp-8.creator-spring.com/listing/the-mashup-collection Text Shaun 587-217-8500 Substack:https://open.substack.com/pub/shaunnewmanpodcast E-transfer here: shaunnewmanpodcast@gmail.com Silver Gold Bull Links: Website: https://silvergoldbull.ca/ Email: SNP@silvergoldbull.com Text Grahame: (587) 441-9100
From "Shaun Newman Podcast"
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