66. Inside the Business of Storytelling (Susan Payton)

11 Dec 2024 • 58 min • EN
58 min
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In this episode of the Ideas on Stage podcast we spoke with Susan Payton. Susan is a story strategist, copywriter, messaging geek, coach, consultant and author of The Business of Stories. Released in March 2022, Susan’s book quickly became a UK and US #1 bestseller on Amazon in several business categories, including Marketing and Sales – knocking Dragon’s Den & Diary of a CEO star Stephen Bartlett off the top spot! It also got to #1 on Amazon again when the audiobook version was released and was a finalist in the Business Book Awards 2023.In this episode we talked about all things business storytelling. What You'll Learn:- The power of storytelling and why it's essential for business success- Why your personal story is more inspiring than you might think- The importance of clear language over fancy words- How to overcome the fear of sharing your voice and telling your story- Why every story you tell needs a clear call to action to be effective We hope you enjoy it!———————Links:- Susan’s website: https://thebusinessofstories.com/- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanpaytonuk/- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SusanPaytonUK Recommended books:- The Business of Stories by Susan Payton- Building a SoryBrand by Donald Miller- Soundtracks by Jon Acuff- Superfans by Pat Flynn——————— IDEAS ON STAGE RESOURCESWant to inspire your audience, increase your influence, and make a bigger impact?- Read ‘Confident Presenter’ (https://www.ideasonstage.com/resources/confident-presenter-book/) and ‘Business Presentation Revolution’ (https://www.ideasonstage.com/business-presentation-revolution/book/)- To make the most of the books, take the Confident Presenter Scorecard to assess you presentation skills in less than 3 minutes, for free: https://ideasonstage.com/score- Attend the next Ideas on Stage web class: https://www.ideasonstage.com/uk/masterclass #IdeasOnStagePodcast #Storytelling #StorytellingForBusiness #TheBusinessOfStories

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