5 min
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Text Alexi a question or feedback Are you copying someone else’s playbook and wondering why you’re not successful? In this short solo episode, Alexi discusses the importance of forging your own path in business and in life. He explains how mimicking others can lead to feeling stuck, anxious, and unfulfilled.  You’ll discover:Why imitating others’ success is stunting your business growthHow to tune in to your gut to make decisions that generate more success Listen now to start creating your own path to success. Or click here for more ways to become a master of your mind. - - - This podcast for founders delves into topics such as high performance in entrepreneurship, burnout, effective communication, resilience, anxiety, and productivity, offering insights on overcoming challenges, achieving success, creating massive impact, and cultivating a resilient mindset in an overwhelming world.

From "The Conscious Founder Podcast: Growth Mindsets, Leadership & High Performance For Entrepreneurs to Create Massive Impact whilst Avoiding Burnout"

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