#65: Andrew Steinwold - Managing Partner Sfermion | When Sports Meets the Metaverse
Andrew Steinwold first bought Bitcoin in 2013 and now runs a $100M venture fund focused around the metaverse. Sfermion is a multi-strategy investment firm focused on the immersive internet. Their mission is to accelerate the emergence of the metaverse by investing in the companies & founders creating the digital future. Sports and the metaverse have massive overlap, which led to a great conversation around crypto, web3, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and the blockchain. Chapters: (01:45) What is the metaverse? (03:10) Andrew’s journey (Bitcoin 2013) (06:30) Tokens in sports (10:10) Key terms to know (14:10) What to watch in AI (20:15) State of web3 (in 2023) (23:15) Blockchain going mainstream (28:40) Concerns of CBDC’s (30:50) Applying sports to the metaverse . Andrew Steinwold: Website: https://www.sfermion.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AndrewSteinwold LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-steinwold/ . Andrew Petcash: 🏠 Website: https://profluence.com 🎙 Podcast: https://profluence.com/podcasts/ 🐣 Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewpetcash 🕺 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@andrewpetcash 📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/andrewpetcash 💼 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewpetcash/ 🎥 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3q5jhAuCVT2FZCkLW5xBiQ/ . Thanks for listening! Make sure to hit the “follow” button to stay up to date on new podcasts.
From "The Profluence Pod 🌐"
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