63. Vanessa Patrick on The Art and Science of Saying No - The Ideas on Stage Podcast
In this episode of the Ideas on Stage podcast we spoke with Dr. Vanessa Patrick. Vanessa Patrick, PhD. is an award winning researcher and teacher at the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. She is a regular speaker at both academic and practitioner conferences and her research investigates strategies to achieve personal mastery and inspire everyday excellence in oneself and others. Her new book is The Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No that Puts You in Charge of Your Life. In this episode we talked about the art and science of saying no. What You'll Learn: - Common challenges that make it hard to refuse requests - How to use the concept of “empowered refusal” to say no assertively - Why using phrases like "I don't" is more powerful than "I can't" - Insights into deciding when to say yes or no - How syncing your words with body language can maximise the impact of your no We hope you enjoy it! ——————— Links: - Vanessa Patrick on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessapatrick23/ - Vanessa’s website: https://www.vanessapatrick.net/ Recommended books: - Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes - You Have More Influence Than You Think by Vanessa Bohns - The Power of a Positive No by William Ury ——————— IDEAS ON STAGE RESOURCES Want to inspire your audience, increase your influence, and make a bigger impact? - Read ‘Confident Presenter’ https://www.ideasonstage.com/resources/confident-presenter-book/ and ‘Business Presentation Revolution’ https://www.ideasonstage.com/business-presentation-revolution/book/ - To make the most of the books, take the Confident Presenter Scorecard to assess you presentation skills in less than 3 minutes, for free: https://ideasonstage.com/score - Attend the next Ideas on Stage web class: https://www.ideasonstage.com/uk/masterclass #IdeasOnStagePodcast #Leadership #Communication #PersonalDevelopment #ThePowerOfNo
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