414 - Optimized BJJ Training for Non-Athletic Grapplers, with Jesse Walker
The standard BJJ approach of throwing newcomers to the wolves may work for young and talented athletes, but it's definitely not optimal for most older, non-athletic, or female grapplers (otherwise known as the vast majority of people). In today's episode I'm joined by Jesse Walker from Rough Hands BJJ in Louisville, Kentucky, to discuss the training methods and school culture that'll make jiu-jitsu accessible to (almost) everyone. Check out Rough Hands BJJ training center in Louisville, Kentucky at https://roughhandsbjj.com/ and/or get in touch with Jesse on most social media platforms at @roughhandsbjj. If you want to delve deeper into training methods that maximize results and minimize injuries check out the ground-breaking BJJ Games instructional I did with Rob Biernacki at https://www.grapplearts.com/bjjgames And for specific techniques and strategies applicable to the older grappler check out the two BJJ for Old F***s instructionals at https://www.grapplearts.com/2-for-1-sale-on-bjj-for-old-fs/ Good luck with your training! Stephan Kesting
From "The Strenuous Life Podcast with Stephan Kesting"
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