I'm guilty of it too... I've totally caught myself in a fantasy about how great it would be to sign with an indie label. In that fantasy, you're cared for, held in highest regard, and everyone at the label believes in your vision and knows how to execute it at a scale larger than you're currently capable of. But things don't always turn out that way, which is what Kelsey Warren of Blak Emoji came on to discuss. In this episode, we're joined by not just Kelsey, but his bandmate Whitney Tai to talk about some ways you can potentially dodge a bad situation. Spoiler alert? Have your contracts reviewed! On a positive note, we'll also hear about the new music their super duo, BLAKTAI has on the way. Visit http://themillennialmusicianpodcast.com for more information on this show. BLAKTAI: https://linktr.ee/blaktai Blak Emoji: http://instagram.com/blak.emoji Whitney Tai: http://instagram.com/whitneytai Learn more about Shay: Official Website: http://shayleonia.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/shayleonia TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@shayleonia
From "The Millennial Musician Podcast"
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