In our next installment of the ARE 5.0 Series, Emily goes solo to talk about the 4th exam in our recommended test order - Programming & Analysis! She covers the content of the key sections in the test, goes over practice questions, and covers study resources + miscellaneous tips that YOU need to PASS this exam! Good luck to everyone studying - we are rooting for you! Be sure to follow @openplanpodcast on Instagram for even more ARE content & fun architecture tips and tricks. Timestamps: 5:50 - Content of test & practice questions 26:45 - Miscellaneous tips 28:17 - Resources Use code OPP15 for 15% off Desk Crits Guide to the ARE 5.0 RESOURCES MENTIONED: Ballast (PPI) Review Manual Building Construction Illustrated Site Planning and Design Handbook Problem Seeking The Secretary of the Interior Standards for Historic Preservation Black Spectacles Practice Quizzes Support the show Follow us on IG @openplanpodcast Use code OPP15 for 15% off Desk Crits Guide to the ARE 5.0
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