308I_Chiara Marletto, Scientific Researcher at University of Oxford
"Cities are part of the extended phenotype for the kind of knowledge that is produced by human civilisation." Are you interested in how quantum physics is influencing the future of cities? What do you think about the connection between knowledge and urban evolution? How can we create better urban environments for knowledge creation? Interview with Chiara Marletto, Scientific Researcher at University of Oxford. We will talk about her vision for the future of cities, the effects of scientific evolution, the best environment for knowledge creation, and many more as a special edition part of the Podcasthon 2025. Chiara Marletto is a Research Fellow at Wolfson College and the Physics Department, University of Oxford. She holds degrees from Oxford and the University of Turin. Her research focuses on the foundations of physics, spanning quantum information theory, condensed matter physics, quantum biology, and thermodynamics. Chiara has pioneered a novel approach to physics, constructor theory and has applied it to fundamental questions of control, causation and the nature of information in physics. Her work has also explored how essential features of living systems, such as self-reproduction and evolution, align with fundamental physical laws. Recently she has discovered a new method to test quantum effects in gravity, based on constructor-theoretic ideas. She is the author of The Science of Can and Can't, her first trade book. This is also a special episode to be part of Podcasthon 2025 - a globally coordinated effort for podcasts to highlight a charity of their choice. WTF4Cities is happy to participate in this 3rd edition of the Podcasthon with thousands of podcasts worldwide. The charity where you can support Chiara and her research is through Wolfson College at the University of Oxford with New Frontiers reference. Donations will be held in a dedicated fund, controlled by Chiara, and she’ll be able to keep donors updated on the progress of her research and what their generosity has made possible. So if you want to help the research move ahead: Name: Wolfson College, University of Oxford Reference: New Frontiers Learn more about Chiara through these links: Chiara Marletto on LinkedIn Chiara Marletto website Chiara Marletto at Wolfson College Chiara Marletto on Wikipedia Chiara Marletto on Google Scholar Quantum New Frontiers Hub in Wolfson college The Science of Can and Can't - book by Chiara Marletto The Beginning of Infinity - book by David Deutsch The Fabric of Reality - book by David Deutsch Connecting episodes you might be interested in: No.156 - Interview with Fanni Melles about urban conscious evolution No.180 - Interview with Ben Vass about knowledge creation No.272 - Interview with Frank Elavsky about philosophy No.307R - The Science of Can and Can't (book summary) What was the most interesting part for you? What questions did arise for you? Let me know on Twitter @WTF4Cities or on the wtf4cities.com website where the shownotes are also available. I hope this was an interesting episode for you and thanks for tuning in. Music by Lesfm from Pixabay
From "What is The Future for Cities?"
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