#308: Gina DeSantis (Ceramic Artist) (pt. 2 of 2)

06 Jan 2025 • 28 min • EN
28 min
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This week on the podcast is part two of our interview with Gina DeSantis. She’s the lead creator behind Gina DeSantis Ceramics—the company she founded in 2013.  She began her ceramic studies at her local community college and by 2006 earned her MFA from Kent State University. Her works are in 400 retailers throughout the US such as Uncommon Goods, Anthropologie, and McGee & Co.  Gina is the embodiment of persistence and lifelong learning, so if you or someone you know needs inspiration to power through a tough time, make sure they hear this interview!  https://www.ginadesantisceramics.com/

From "Arts Entrepreneurship Podcast: Making Art Work"

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