Johnny and Derek just so happened to both be in Buenos Aires at the same time so they had to do an episode together! We split this into two halves, the first being just hours after Derek landed and then we pick up 2 weeks later when both had time to explore and reflect on the city. They go over the value of every day living in Buenos Aires - food, drink, housing, transportation and more. Plus they cover some of the downsides of the economy and this area of the World. Discussed: Argentina's Inflation Rate La Cabrera (Happy Hour Steakhouse) Compass Pathways Investor Relations Where we are: Johnny FD – Buenos Aires, AR / IG @johnnyfdj Sam Marks - Bangkok, Thailand / IG @sammarks12 Derek – Buenos Aires, AR / IG @DerekRadio Sponsor: Shopify Shopify helps you sell EVERYWHERE. From their all-in-one ecommerce platform, to their in-person POS system–wherever and whatever you’re selling, Shopify’s got you covered. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period now at Shopify.com/ilab ILAB Patreon Join the Invest Like a Boss Patreon now and get tons of bonus content, including additional episodes, full quarterly updates including account screenshots and more for as low as $5/month at Patreon.com/InvestLikeaBoss Time Stamp: 00:21 - Johnny/Derek Part 1 12:56 - How to Get the Best Possible Exchange Rate 20:21 - Part 2 after Buenos Aires 43:45 - How Safe is BA? 49:15 - Would You Go Back to Visit? If you enjoyed this episode, do us a favor and share it! If you haven't already, please take a minute to leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Read our disclaimer here.
From "Invest Like a Boss"
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