263: Ranger Battalion, War Doctrine, and Process First with SFC Mike Meegan
Talk Back to Me The U.S. Army Ranger Battalion demands a constant pursuit of excellence and it comes at a cost to the individual. Few will know the cross pressure of desiring to go back to the aggressive lifestyle of a Ranger and the reality that one cannot keep up the level of performance indefinitely. Mike Meegan walks through the differences between living on "the line" and Ranger School. His tenure training in Small Unit Ranger Tactics and now as a leader of Rudder"s Rangers at Texas A&M, brings a valuable perspective to the table when it comes to training mentality. Follow Mike Meegan on Instagram at @R.A.N.G.E.R.U Use Code 2025deaddrop10 for 10% off your order at obsidianarms.com This episode has been sponsored by Obsidian Arms, a manufacturer of tools, parts and firearms, as well as operating as an OEM shop for those looking to bring excellence to the market. Their Minnesota-based shop builds and cuts parts out of U.S.-sourced materials. Their gunsmith tools, custom firearms, and capabilities can be found at www.obsidianarms.com Support the REDACTED Culture Cast at redactedculture.locals.com SSP and boutique products at redactedllc.com Follow us on Instagram at @redactedllc
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