261 THE FITNESS LAW OF ATTRACTION | How to Actually Feel Good in Your Body Again
Why, despite all your effort and well-meaning intentions, does that dream of achieving the perfect body NEVER stick!? In this podcast episode we're unpacking deep insights that will redefine your entire approach to health, fitness and body confidence. So, here's the thing – diets often promise the moon, but do they really deliver? Why do our best efforts sometimes leave us feeling defeated, stuck in a cycle of frustration? The answer lies not in your willpower but your mindset and the behaviors it reinforces. In this episode, we're not just talking about how to stop dieting; we're reshaping the entire narrative around body image, fitness, and food. We discuss: What you want to is positive body image not a perfect body Why dieting reinforces what you don’t want How to change your reality around food and body acceptance right now Listen for a new way to approach food & fitness! Listen to Next: Episode 248: What is Body Trust RESOURCES Book: www.feelgoodnakd.com/7steps Rio Plan: www.corpaofitness.com The Wellness Retreats: www.feelgoodnakd.com Nakd Wellbeing Newsletter on www.feelgoodnakd.com
From "The Feel Good Nakd Podcast for Women"
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