#256: Tracy Vollbrecht (Adaptive & Universal Fashion Design) (pt. 1 of 2)

08 Jan 2024 • 34 min • EN
34 min
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Today we released part one of our interview with Tracy Vollbrecht. She’s the founder of Vollbrecht Adaptive Consulting, an adaptive fashion consultancy rooted in universal design principles. With work featured in Women’s Wear Daily, Vogue, Oprah Daily and Cosmopolitan, Tracy is a recognized adaptive and universal design consultant. Her first experience with inclusive, functional fashion came when she unknowingly put universal design principles into action to help her dad manage his Multiple Sclerosis. Prior to starting her company, she held designer positions at companies such as JuniperUNLTD’S Yarrow and ULEX,  and Macy’s. Tracy is an ardent proponent of fashion for all, so you won"t want to miss her thought-provoking interview. www.vollbrechtadaptiveconsulting.com Ever wondered how a simple piece of clothing can become a game-changer for someone with unique physical needs? Prepare to be enlightened as Tracy Volbrecht, the innovative mind behind Volbrecht Adaptive Consulting, takes us on a journey through the transformative world of adaptive and universal fashion design. From her academic roots to shaping the industry"s inclusive future, Tracy"s story is a testament to how passion can drive progress. Our conversation delves into how the fashion landscape is shifting, with startups and major brands alike rethinking design for the diversity of human bodies and abilities.  Tracy gives us an insider"s look at the evolution taking place behind the scenes as well as on the store shelves. We explore how Tracy"s expertise helps brands seamlessly integrate adaptive features, the rise of marketplaces dedicated to these innovative products, and the profound personal stories fueling this movement. By examining how existing products can be adapted for wider use, we uncover the symbiotic relationship between universal design and targeted adaptive solutions, and how this approach can create a more inclusive world for everyone. Life doesn"t fit neatly into compartments, and neither should our passions. Tracy embodies this belief, sharing how her love for outdoor adventures enriches her professional endeavors, offering fresh perspectives on adaptive design. Our discussion also spotlights the importance of ongoing education, as Tracy details her venture into creating online courses to equip future designers with knowledge crucial for fostering inclusivity. Wrapping up, we"re reminded that inclusivity is a journey we"re all part of – one that requires our collective effort to make small, meaningful changes towards a world where everyone feels included. Join us for an inspiring dialogue that stitches together innovation, empathy, and the drive to make a difference.

From "Arts Entrepreneurship Podcast: Making Art Work"

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