252. The Paradox of Connectivity (Fewer But Deeper Series: Part 1)

05 Dec 2023 • 29 min • EN
29 min
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Have you ever stopped to consider the depth of your connections in a world where the number of friends you have on social media platforms seems to have taken precedence? Join me as we navigate the waters of meaningful relationships, stressing the importance of quality over quantity. Our journey takes us through the paradox of loneliness and time spent alone, and how these two aren't necessarily joined at the hip. Ever given thought to the role technology plays in shaping our social lives? It's a double-edged sword, on one hand allowing us to connect with friends and family across the globe, yet on the other, resulting in fewer face-to-face interactions and more superficial connections. The conversation segues into the pitfalls of online echo chambers, the effects of social media on our perception of relationships, and the impact of non-essentialism on our relationships. Join my weekly newsletter. Learn more about my books and courses. Join The Essentialism Academy. Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, X, Facebook, and YouTube.

From "The Greg McKeown Podcast"

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