25 Favorite Disney Songs of the Past 25 Years with Tammy Tuckey (Part 1)
As we enter a new quarter-century, it only seems appropriate to look back at the last 25 years, essentially 2000-2024. Many Disney songs have debuted over this period across all spaces, including film, television, the parks, Broadway stage, and across divisions like Pixar, Marvel, and more. This is a perfect opportunity to highlight what are some of our favorite and, arguably the best, Disney songs over 25 years. Joining host Brett Nachman in this two-part round-up of tunes is podcaster and singer Tammy Tuckey of The Tammy Tuckey Show, a frequent and favorite guest of Notably Disney. Brett and Tammy share their selections, including songs from Stephen Schwartz, Randy Newman, Alan Menken, and Jonatha Brooke. Be sure to follow Tammy on Twitter (@TammyTuckey) Instagram (@TammyTuckey), Facebook (Facebook.com/SingerTammyTuckey), and YouTube, where you can listen to her interviews with amazing Disney personalities. Look for The Tammy Tuckey Show wherever you listen to podcasts! And visit Tammy's website: TammyTuckey.com Feel free to reach out to Brett via BlueSky @drnachman and Instagram @drnachman, subscribe to the podcast, and send your feedback to notablydisney@gmail.com New episodes of Notably Disney debut on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
From "Notably Disney"
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