22 min
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Welcome to The Nursing School Simplified Podcast. On this week's episode we're learning about Deep Vein Thromboembolism (DVT). Learn Etiology, Signs and Symptoms, Assessment, Labs/Diagnostics, Nursing Consideration, and Patient teaching. Basically, everything you need to know to care for your patient and answer questions correctly on your exams. Have a great week and keep working on your dream,  All my best, Cynthia, RN CCRN P.S. Below are the links I promised. NursingSchoolSimplified.com/MedSurgSimplifiedGuide Ekos: https://www.dicardiology.com/videos/video-how-ekos-thrombolytic-technology-works-dissolve-clots https://vascular.org/patient-resources/vascular-conditions/deep-vein-thrombosis Lovenox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cireHuUK7fM Heparin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My6w5JymPQo&t=195s Warfarin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCO2mx04xYA Saddle P.E: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrC73qMMDAc  

From "The Nursing School Simplified Podcast with Cynthia Primavera, RN CCRN"

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