“I’m really interested in activating a collective sovereign awakening in this lifetime for humanity.” - Kaia Ra Hello, my friends! Welcome to another episode of Onken Radio (previously NION Radio), the podcast where we explore the body, mind, and soul of the creative entrepreneur. It’s my goal to help you take your divine creativity, business, and life to the next level. I’m so glad you’re joining me on this journey! Today, I’m excited about my special guest Kaia Ra, the author and channeler of The Sophia Code, a fantastic book on activating your higher self and consciousness through the works and knowledge of the ascended masters. I'm excited to talk about channeling divine creativity and getting out of the way for even more creativity to flow through you. This podcast is all about consciousness, creativity, and exploring their intersection. Here’s a quick taste of what’s to come from my interview with Kaia Ra: “I discovered at an extremely early age that creativity is a state of mind. It's not about an artifact. It's not even about an action. It's about tuning into how your consciousness can download solutions in any moment, whether it's traumatic or blissful — and everything in between.” - Kaia Ra I’m excited to have her on the show to discuss her teachings, the various courses she offers, and even her activated pieces of jewelry she creates with the different ascended masters. As a multidisciplinary creative, I’m excited to share her wealth of knowledge and unlock the spiritual tools to tap into our divine creativity with you. Let’s jump straight in! Who Is Kaia Ra? Kaia Ra started life in perhaps the most traumatic way: Human trafficking at an elite level. She and other children were trafficked for their talents, psychic gifts, and creativity. So began a very painful journey of recovering from slavery to sovereignty of what divine creativity could be for her. “I believe a lot of compassion was generated along that healing journey for anyone that's ever struggled with creativity because I know what it's like to feel so painfully vulnerable in accepting the gifts of my own creativity and being seen in them. I believe that's a pretty universal feeling for a lot of people that have survived being on this planet. … The pain that I've personally experienced during creativity, I feel, is a universal pain that we're all collectively transmuting together.” - Kaia Ra Kaia Ra spent about seven years in seclusion and training with ceremonial elders during her thirties as part of her healing journey. She spent her time listening and getting hyper-focused on her mission. It was around ten years ago at Mount Shasta where she had a larger-than-life experience. “All the physical reality melted down. I was [home] and went to sit on my couch to channel some stuff for a book I thought I was writing. The book got downloaded in that moment where I was taken into the light — and it was just light. I watched the physical house melt down, [and] I watched the atomic structure of reality dissolve. In that light, I was asked to channel The Sophia Code as a declaration of humanity, sovereign divinity given to us from the ascended masters.” - Kaia Ra Thus the Sophia Code® book, which became an international bestseller within four days of publishing and became a phenomenon in 32 countries, was born. Her journey didn’t end there; while doing much healing around artistry, Kaia also started designing a jewelry line. Ascended master Isis told her she would create jewelry someday, which felt crazy because she had no idea how. After a trip up Mount Shasta, a holy mountain, Kaia Ra was contacted by her now business partner about jewelry work. The timing was incredible; years later, all their jewelry is hand carved in Bali, a country where channeling is a part of their culture. Let’s hear how Kaia Ra thinks about activating your divine creativity. Learn How to Activate Divine Creativity
From "ONKEN radio"
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